I've decided writers are pretty good observers of people and trends in our culture. More than that, though, I seem less and less able to keep my mouth shut about things. Now this particular issue isn't exactly important, more like fun, but I just gotta say... Match.com is advertising something "new" called The Stir. The first time I watched the commercial I must have been tilting my head from side to side like my dog does when he's confused. What a great idea for a new way to meet people! We'll actually go somewhere and, wait for it, talk. In person and everything. Okay, this might be new for the internet generation, but didn't we once call these get-togethers parties?

The match.com folks have been around for a while, so I know they're successful. They enticed people to take part in on-line dating and, apparently, forget they could find a date out in the real world. Now they're organizing their own events and inviting the on-line lovelorn to the party. I guess, everything old is new again. What will they think of next?
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